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Eggless Ragi Cookies (refined flour & refined sugar free)

Cookies which are both healthy as well as delicious. These Ragi (Finger Millet) Cookies are Refined flour & Refined Sugar free but it burst with flavours!

Eggless Ragi Cookies!

I have been baking for a long time now and as much I love baking decadent and scrumptious treats, I also take time out to bake some healthy treats. So this time, I put on my apron and baked these aromatic "EGGLESS RAGI COOKIES". These Calcium rich Cookies with the goodness of Ragi will be adored by both grown-ups as well as kids.

What is Ragi?

Ragi, a super grain, is a hardy crop which is also called Finger Millet (or Nachni in some parts of the country) Ragi grains resemble mustard seeds and the flour is prepared by crushing and grinding the dried grains.


Ragi is a rich source of good carbohydrates and is gluten-free. It is loaded with Calcium and is helpful in controlling diabetes.

It is a source of anti-oxidants and vitamin D. Also, Ragi is high in dietary fiber which can help in maintaining weight for it keeps the hunger away for a long time.

Now that we know, that Ragi is definitely a Super Grain and should be included in daily meals, I tried making a confection (Cookies) of it and they sure came out delicious.


For these Cookies, to bake them exactly as they look in the picture, and to taste just divine, you will need these ingredients - Ragi Flour, Whole-wheat Flour, Cocoa Powder, Cornflour, Cinnamon powder (optional), salt, baking powder, Jaggery powder, Room temp Butter and milk.

Gather these ingredients and we'll get started.

The making of the Cookies!

Making of the Cookie dough is not at all daunting, just do not skip any step and the Cookies will be the star!!

And, always, refrigerate the Cookie dough for a minimum of half an hour (when in rush otherwise for 2 hours to overnight is the best way to go). This helps in bringing out the flavours and to set the fat used to make the dough.

Once the dough has rested, take it out and make small but even cookie dough balls, flatten them just a little using palm and place on the baking tray. Sprinkle nuts, chocolate chips, etc on top and bake in the pre-heated oven!!

Delicious & Healthy Cookies will be ready for you to indulge in.

Before & After Baking!

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Let's get to the recipe.


What you need? (for 12-14 cookies)

Whole-wheat Flour - 1/8 cup+ 1 tablespoon (25 grams)

Ragi Flour - 1/2 cup (70 grams)

Jaggery Sugar - 1/4 cup (55 grams)

Corn Flour - 1/2 tablespoon

Cocoa Powder - 1/2 tablespoon

Added flavour (optional) - cinnamon powder (1/2 teaspoon) or Cardamon powder (1/4 teaspoon), Choco-chips (2 tablespoons), etc

Baking Powder - 1/4 teaspoon

Salt - a pinch

Room temp. Butter - 1/4 cup (60 grams)

Milk - 1 tablespoon


- In a mixing bowl, add room temperature Butter and Jaggery Powder. Cream them together using whisk until light in colour and fluffy.

- Now add the measured dry ingredients to it and fold them together using spatula until everything is combined properly. DO NOT OVERMIX.

- If the dough seems too dry, add milk and make a cookie dough. DO NOT add milk if the dough seems fine.

- Now wrap the dough in the cling wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of half an hour (preferably 1 hour).

- In the meantime, pre-heat the oven at 170 *C.

- Now take the Cookie dough out, make small 12-14 dough balls, flatten them a little and place them on the baking tray.

- Sprinkle nuts on top (if using).

- Bake in the pre-heated oven at 170*C for 12- 14 minutes (depending on the oven). Keep a watch as Ragi cooks really fast and overdoing might burn the Cookies.

- The edges of the Cookies will look done and the centre will be soft when done. Let them cool down at the room temperature, they will crisp up eventually.

- Delicious, Healthy and Eggless Ragi Cookies are done.

- Store them in an airtight container and they will be good for 2 weeks at room temperature.

Delicious Eggless Ragi Cookies!


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